Microsoft: present and future

Where do I see Microsoft now? This is the question of today’s post.

From my point view Microsoft is on top of the world. How many companies would like to be like Microsoft today? I’m sure there are a couple of them out there that would change places inmediately!

According to NetApplications, Microsoft’s share of the operating system market is dropping, while Apple computers and handhelds have topped 10% for the first time. Bad picture for Microsoft? Let’s take a closer look:

So Microsoft couldn’t be better. However, the only problem is that when you are on the top the next movement can only be… Downhill! And that’s also what I think is going to happen based on all kind of new developments based on open languages and systems vs. Microsoft secrecy.

Or at least, that was what I thought before watching the following video (it was released on March 1st, 2009 at the Wharton Business Technology Conference by Microsoft Office Labs called “2019″.). Please, spend some minutes watching it… You are not going to believe the next steps!!!


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